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Launch your career in tech

6 months after they graduated, we asked our web development and data science alumni how their tech journey has been so far.

Curious to know all of the opportunities and career outcomes waiting for you? 🤔 Learn more below.

Numbers in a nutshell

Whether they looked for a job, for freelancing projects, or started their own company, 96% of the alumni actively seeking employment achieved their goals within 6 months of graduating from the bootcamp.

Numbers in a nutshell

Companies hiring them

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Jumping into tech

78% of our students decided to jump into tech after the web development or data science bootcamp. 

Here are the top 5 tech jobs after a bootcamp : 
1. Full-stack Web Developer
Back-end Developer
Front-end Developer
Data Analyst
Data Scientist

Proof that the skills they learnt are in-demand and the offer they receive are of quality, 45% of respondents accepted the first job offer that was made to them. 45% received two to three job offers before accepting one. 

A life-changing experience

"Just go for it. It's going to actually change your life. It changed mine. I'm super happy I've done it and I would do it all over again if I could."

- Claire Gautier, Backend Developer at Ace & Tate 

Download the 2021 Job Outcomes Report 🚀