
graduates worldwide


1st-ranked bootcamp


employment rate


in 6,000+ reviews

* Our reports are based on surveys sent 6 months after each training session.
Our last report has been updated in November 2023 and is based on 2467 respondents who graduated in 2022 worldwide.

How to get my reward?

Please follow these mandatory steps to get your £50 Amazon Gift Card.


Complete the form below

First, you need to complete the form below to associate your referral to your profile.


Apply to a bootcamp

You need to apply to a Bootcamp program on our website (Skill Courses programs are not eligible).


Become eligible

Once you became a student and you meet the conditions, your reward is automatically validated.


Enjoy a £50 Amazon Gift Card!

Congratulations! You your will receive an email with your £50 Amazon Gift Card.

Gift cards conditions

To qualify for referral rewards, we need to ensure you:

  • ✔️

    Enrol in a bootcamp on these campuses:
    London, Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Madrid, Barcelona, Lisbon, Porto, Brussels, Amsterdam, Paris, Lille, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes or Online (European Time Zone)

  • ✔️

    Complete the form below
    ⚠️ Your referral won't be activated if you apply on the website before submitting this form

  • ✔️

    Apply within 12 months of completing the form below

  • ✔️

    Haven't already applied to a bootcamp, are not a current student or alumni and are not already referred

  • ✔️

    Attend at least 4 weeks of the bootcamp


Your referral validation process


Associate your referral to your profile by completeting this form and choose the Amazon country where you'd like to use your gift card


Apply to a bootcamp


Become eligible by meeting all the conditions


Receive your £50 Amazon Gift Card after attending at least 4 weeks of the bootcamp

Please validate your referral

Learning Schedule

Choose the learning schedule that suits you

Whether you prefer an intensive full-time option for 2 months or a flexible part-time format spanning 6 months, our courses are tailored to you.



Ready to dive into tech? Join our intensive course. Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.

  • ✔️

    Graduate in 2 months

  • ✔️

    All day peer-to-peer learning

  • ✔️

    40 hours of study in total, per week



You want to keep your job or have personal commitments? Learn in your free time.

  • ✔️

    Graduate in 7 months

  • ✔️

    Flexible peer-to-peer learning

  • ✔️

    16 hours of study in total, per week

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