Start your career in tech! Join our bootcamps and have it 100% financed by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter!
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A Bildungsgutschein is an educational voucher issued by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit via the Agentur für Arbeit or the Jobcenter.
The aim of the Bildungsgutschein is to upskill people with the right skills to conquer the job market!
The Bildungsgutschein would cover your full course fee, plus potential extra costs like the daily transportation tickets to come to our campus.
Good to note: You would still be eligible to receive your full unemployment benefits (ALG I or Bürgergeld) for the whole duration of the course.
First, you are living in Geramany permanently, plus one of the following: You are currently unemployed, you are at risk of losing your job, you are working limited hours due to Kurzarbeit.
There are additional situations that could qualify you for a Bildungsgutschein. Reach out to our advisors to learn more.
To start the process after being registered with the Agentur für Arbeit/ Jobcenter, you would reach out to your consultant.
However, we know that German bureaucracy can be overwhelming sometimes so we are happy to support you by explaining your process, helping you prepare for your conversation with your consultant, and answering questions that arise during the process.
Use your Bildungsgutschein to join our #1 ranked web development & data bootcamps.
Live classes
400 hours
Flexible - 2 to 6 months
In-person or online
Learn more about this financing option by filling this form and talking to one of our advisors!
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Learn more about public funding with the Bildungsgutschein issued by the Agentur für Arbeit or the Jobcenter.
Our bootcamps are certified by CERTURIA and recognized by the government as a continuing education measure. Accordingly, funding through SGB III with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) is possible.
After all your hard work, you will receive a diploma that completes your resume and makes it even more appealing to employers!
There are several other situations that could qualify you for a Bildungsgutschein.
1. You are a German/EU citizen and have just graduated with a professional degree, there is a chance of receiving a Bildungsgutschein after graduation to support you with additional skills for the job market.
2. You have moved to Germany and have not yet joined the work market but have a legal partner that is working in Germany.
3. You are an EU citizen and have recently moved to Germany.
4. You are employed, or just came back from parental leave. You might get a certain percentage of the tuition fee covered if your company is willing to invest in your upskilling.
Le Wagon helps you land your dream job. Our career services guide you at the end of your bootcamp.
Learn in person on campus or fully remote. Choose the session that fits your schedule.
Le Wagon trains students in 40+ cities around the globe as well as fully online. Our campuses in Berlin, Cologne and Munich are at the heart of Germany's financial and tech sectors - making them the perfect place for you to take the leap and start your tech career.
While still being cheaper than most European capitals, Berlin has a high salary range for developer jobs due to the low amount of tech talent on the market. This gives you the chance to grow your career while saving up or settling entirely in one of Europe's most developed social systems.
Explore our Berlin CampusMunich has been called the "Silicon Valley of Europe" and its startup-hub is vibrant, diverse and highly motivated. Many companies that started digitalising cooperate with the local universities and schools when it comes to finding new solutions to old problems. In return the students bring a lot of creative new energy to the established global players, often getting hired in the process.
Explore our Munich CampusIn April 2022, Cologne was named the first Capital of Inclusion and Diversity by the European Commission. The City is home to a diverse population, with nearly half of its 1.1 million inhabitants able to trace their roots back to migrants, and 200 000+ residents now hailing from over 184 countries.
Explore our Cologne CampusNo German campus near you? No worries at all! Our online bootcamps are designed to fit your schedule – no matter where you participate from. The flexible format includes virtual classrooms and live support from our teachers.
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