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On campus - 9 weeks

Upcoming Web Development Course
Web Development
Upcoming Web Development Batch
April 15th - June 15th 2024
Web Development Bootcamp
USD $6,900

Master the fundamental skills of a Web Developer in just a few weeks

Check Learn software fundamentals and databases

Grasp programming foundations, write robust code with object-oriented programming and build MVC software from scratch. Master relational databases and SQL.

icon-terminal Terminal icon-vscode VS Code Ruby-Apr-18-2023-03-00-04-6532-PM Ruby sql-svgrepo-com SQL
Check Master front-end development & web design

Develop responsive web pages with HTML and CSS. Master modern JavaScript and all the tools and environment like Webpack and Node.js.

icon-html HTML Postgresql_elephant CSS png-transparent-javascript-logo-html-javascript-logo-angle-text-rectangle-thumbnail JavaScript icon-webpack Webpack
Check Deploy your app from scratch

Build complete web applications and deploy them online on real domain that everyone can access. You're not a real developer until you've pushed something in production!

icon-heroku Heroku What-is-Ruby-on-Rails-1 Ruby on Rails
Check Adopt best-in-class development workflow

Understand product development tools & workflow. Validate your UX on Figma, organise team work and collaborate on GitHub. Cover your code with automated testing and continuous integration.

icon-figma-1 Figma icon-git Git github-1 GitHub

What you will learn in practice

In this Web Development course, you will learn the fundamentals you need to become a programmer in just 9 weeks.

How to apply to our Web Development course

Our admission process is beginner-friendly and will give you a taste of our course. Start now!


No prerequisites

The Web Development course is beginner-friendly, with no prerequisites required. What counts for us is that you’re motivated to start your new tech journey.

Book an interview with our advisor

When you apply, we’ll get back to you to schedule a 30 minute video interview. We'll talk about your professional background and your motivation.

Pass our technical quiz

You will take a technical quiz to assess your coding knowledge and your ability to learn.

Payment options & prepwork

The last step will consist of exploring your financing options. Then, you'll jump into the prepwork which consists of 40 hours of training.

See what our graduates do now

1674565025150 1672668028473-1 Julia Thuden
  • Full Stack Developer
1680049407962 1658819494433 Ante Andrijasevic
  • UI/UX Team Lead
1621154313892 1678212956026 Jessica Kalip
  • Junior Software Engineer

Do you have questions? These answers might help!

We offer career support throughout the Web Development course. At the end of the course, our team will help you prepare for tech interviews and connect with relevant alumni. You will also have access to a complete guide to kick-start your tech career after the course: boost your portfolio, prepare for technical interviews, leverage our 20,000 alumni community, and access to lots of useful Slack channels to find jobs or freelance opportunities.

We will make sure to introduce you to the right people depending on your goal and you will meet with inspiring alumni who will come back to share their post-bootcamp experiences, like how they found a job, started their own company or freelancing career.

These are some career services we will provide:
  • Networking events, career workshops and office hours with alumni or tech recruiters
  • Coaching sessions with our Talent Manager or local alumni
  • Resources from our Career Playbook
  • Career week with practical workshops (from building a portfolio to inspiring talks)

You don't need any technical background to join our Web Development course. We expect 3 things from our students: be (extremely) motivated, be curious, be social. If this sounds like you, then we'll be more than happy to have you on board if you pass all the selection process.

After our training, you can launch your tech career in a few months. According to the results of an employability study conducted on Le Wagon Alumni during the second half of 2021, 93% of alumni found a job offer, launched their freelance activity or created their own startup within 6 months after their training. That’s an average of 47 days to find your next opportunity!

The bootcamp is taught in English. All the challenges' instructions and written documentation are in English, so all students must have a good level and understanding or written English.

No we do not provide accomodations, but there are a lot of affordable housing options around the campus.

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